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10 Things I would tell a teenage me.

So today marks exactly 27 years ,since my parents welcomed me into this world and we have this amazing bond that mom says I will only truly understand one day, when I have my own children .These two amazing people ,God blessed me with have been there to catch me whenever I fall , they have been there for me as I went through the roughest times of my life.Most of all they have been there during my teens, a time when I was growing into myself and becoming a young lady .

Today I reflect on would have told myself when I was going though a crazy stage that no one can bypass .I hope you enjoy the read.

1.Being popular in school the wrong reasons will never take you to greater heights in the next 6 years, so don’t worry over why you aren’t so popular. Side Note: When you become an adult, no one cares if you were cool in high school.

2.Working really hard in school will pay off. It affects what university you get into, what job offers come your way, which in turn affects your real adult life, AKA the real world everyone talks about. Side Note: You will never need to use Algebra, ever.

3.You do not have to fit in .It is ok not to fit in, you were never made to be to fit in.

4.You have no idea what real love is - So what if that cute boy in your class doesn’t like you today because of the acne prone or oily skin you have happening there or that swag of yours is not on pa, don’t worry I am sure if you look for that kwaito today he will wonder why he didn’t just start taking his studies serious instead of bullying you at every chance he got ,you were there to ace your subjects anyway. Side Note: Don’t worry, years from now you will never even think about that boy. He’s probably still living in his mom’s house.

5.Get over it. So you are not allowed to attend the school talent show, so what? How about you attend bigger concerts with your own money mind you, you can even book a flight there? How about that? Side Note: Learn that life isn’t fair.

6.Forget your hair style for the week what if you just make sure it is a neat pony tail and push back braids? No need to try and get baby hair stick out here and there, you perfect just like that look at that gorgeous head of hair .

7.Don’t worry let them call you every name in the bully book, try looking for them today and you will be touched because very few have made it.

8.Stop comparing yourself to others. How a person acts when they’re in public is most likely an edited version of what their lives and emotions are really like when no one is watching. Side Note: You will end up making better choices than a lot of the people you will meet during your high school career, so have some confidence.

9.Maintaining a friendship takes work. Make a point to realize which friendships are lasting and work really hard on those. Try to recognize when you’re pulling your weight and the other person is not. Side Note: You will lose touch with the person you thought would be your “bestie” forever. It happens and it’s okay someone invented little social media platforms use them to keep in touch with them.

10.Enjoy every single day that you are not paying bills baby girl … Adulting is hard work.

It is in my teens that I learned what the quote by Josephine Campbell that says: “We must let go of the life we have planned, to accept the one that is waiting for us.. really means.

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